SYTYCW Winner: September 2019
You voted! Read about who won the “Create Your Own Department” SYTYCW!
September’s So You Think You Can Write topic was “Create your own Department”-
KSI has quite a few great annual events now – Spring Break, Spirit Week, Donors Weekend, Fall Classic, Turkey Bowl and the Awards Show. For members, these events are probably some of the most exciting aspects that come with being part of KSI.
This month, we want to hear from YOU! If you could create your own annual event, what would you call it? When would it be held and what would it be like? What kindA?of tournaments would you have? Be creative!
- KSI MeShell 7(Co-Founder in DM)
Event Name: The Department Showdown
Event Date(s): First weekend of February
Event Details: Each year Departments will have the opportunity to compete in their own tournament! Departments work tirelessly to make the Annual Events run as smoothly as possible. During The Department Showdown, department members will be able to compete in events without having to stress about anything except for going for that DUB (that means W for Win)!A?The Department Showdown will be hosted and streamed by the lovely Board of Directors, and any Department Head or Co-Head if they so choose to opt out of the competition.A?
Day 1: Friday
Black Ops 4 – Extreme Gun Game @ 8:00pm EST
Department Poll Opens @ 8:00pm EST
What better way to start off The Department Showdown with a good ole game of Extreme Gun Game… Emphasis on the EXTREME. KSI Soap 7 and I have played this game since the Black Ops 2 days. Instead of going back one weaponA?per setback, an individual will be set back FIVEA?weapons per setback!A?
There will also be a poll that members throughout the community can participate in! Instead of voting for the best division, members will be able to vote for their favorite department!A?
Day 2: Saturday
Brawlhalla – 2v2 Dodge Bomb @ 4:00pm EST
Karaoke – Duets @ 8:00pm EST
Gotta throw in some free Xbox One games… And Brawlhalla sure is competitive and FUN! I’ve come to find out that large teams for Dodge Bomb don’t really work out. Turn damage up to 300% and lives up to at least 10 otherwise the games will end faster than you could say “yolo”.A?
Karaoke is alwaysA?a blast. Duets can be interesting over the Xbox with thatA?short delay. Plus, what’s the probability that every in each department has a very good singing voice? This event would be amusing for sure!
Day 3: Sunday
ROBLOX – Epic Mini Games @ 4:00pm EST
PUBG – 3v3 @ 8:00pm EST
The final day will end with ROBLOX and PUBG! Epic Mini Games on Roblox will kick off the Sunday events – each person will attempt to win as many minigames as they can within a certain time period.A?And what better way to end the event with a PUBG Custom Lobby with teams for every department! The PUBG event will truly show which department has the bestA?teamwork!
2nd Place
- KSI Zordon “Movie Nights”
3rd Place
- KSI Jynxie “KSI Pride Event”
Many thanks to all who participated in this month’s SYTYCW! This month we changed things up and let the members decide who wins this event thank you to all of those who took time to vote!
–KSI Harmony 7 & The News Team