Mon. Dec 16th, 2024

SYTYCW Winners: September 2018

Congratulations to September’s SYTYCW winners! Read their submissions here!

Septembera??sA?So You Think You Can WriteA?topic was:

Top 3 Pieces Of Advice You Wish You’d Gotten As A Recruit

  • Original recruit date
  • 1st piece of advice
  • 2nd piece of advice
  • 3rd piece of advice

The Winners

1st Place – KSI ODINN 7
  • Original recruit date: 11/26/13
  • 1st piece of advice: Make sure when you move up/ if you do decide to,A?you can handle the responsibilities of that rank and be careful not to rush it, you can miss small details that will make you the best leader you can be.
  • 2nd piece of advice: If you decide to become a leader, Be the change you want to see. Dont complain everyone else isnt doing something right. Step up, take initiative and take charge.
  • 3rd piece of advice: Be smart in the decisions you make in the community. You could 100 good things but if you do 1 bad thing thats what gets remembered.
2nd Place – KSI Gary 7
  • Original recruit date: 11/13/16
  • 1st piece of advice: Never give up! When times look tough, just stick it out and persevere! You won’t believe what you can achieve.
  • 2nd piece of advice: Don’t be afraid to speak up and give your opinion where appropriate. Many members of the community may feel that they can’t speak their mind to leaders afraid of repercussions. If you feel something needs to be said then don’t be afraid to speak up!
  • 3rd piece of advice: Always speak with leaders for advice and guidance ! 7s reach that position due to their extensive knowledge of the community and ability to lead ! The combined 7 staff in this community have a plethora of knowledge they want to share! So seek them out!
3rd Place – KSI VENUM 7
  • Original Recruit Date: 5/4/14
  • 1. Nobody can make or tell you the true KSI experience that is something up to you to do on your own. Whether your in for a month or years the KSI experience will be whatever you make it to be.
  • 2.A?Curve balls will be thrown at you during your time in the community an you have three choices on how to handle them.
    • 1.A?Duck or Move-A?meaning trying to avoid every situation that happens to you in the community.
    • 2.A?Stand ThereA?an Get Hit- just sitting there taking every situation an not doing anything about it.
    • 3. Knock It Out ofA?The ParkA?- facing that situation head on an dealing with it successfully.
  • 3. That no matter whatever you achieve in the community you are no more or no less important than anybody here. Because at the end of the day we all started out on the bottom end of the KSI totem pole. We just get to where wea??re at by the choices we make an how we perceive our experience to be.

-A? A?-A? A?-

Congratulations to everyone who participated last month! We had an awesome turnout!A?Remember, submitting aA?SYTYCWA?always earns your Division points towards theA?Divisional Cup.A?Go make your submission for October! The topic is:A?a??KSI/Marvel Mashupa??.


-A?KSI December 77A?and theA?News Team


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