Fri. Mar 14th, 2025

The AAP Department

FadeZ 7 gives us the inside scoop on the purpose and goals of the AAP Department!

What Is The Awards & Achievements Program?

The AAP (Awards & Achievements Program) is a department in KSI dedicated to ensuring members of the community are recognized for their efforts and actions.

The AAP is in charge of awarding members with the fancy custom banners found on our website. The awards range from accolades in Clan Ops such as recruiting and training, to awards for post counts on the forums. Awards are also given for participating in special events such as Spirit Week, Turkey Bowl, Weekend Warfare, and much more.

AAP also runs the Of The Month nominations, the Divisional Of The Month Awards and the Divisional Milestone Program (often referenced as DMP).

Check here for a complete list of all theA?Awards and Achievements offered by the AAP.

The Staff And What They Do

The AAP Staff is a collection of members who strive to assist the community in receiving recognition for the hard work they do. The AAP Staff review each award nomination and conduct verification checks to validate the awards. Even though all members of the AAP have their specific role, they all still take part in the award process.

The Roles

Here are some of the AAP staff roles:

Department Head

The Head of The AAP Staff is responsible for the overall day to day operation of the department. They ensure the staff members are doing their duties of voting on award nominations and fact checking those nominations. The Head has the final say on the approval or denial of an award. They are the one to actually hand out each award on the Forums. They also close the achievement nominations once completed and approve Multi-department and Self Nomination Awards.

Senior Staff

Senior Staff members are reliable members of the AAP who have been around for a while. They assist the Department Head in training the new staff members and helping them with any questions they have.

DMP Staff

Select Members of the staff that are also DMP Staff work with the Divisional Milestone Program. These members evaluate the statements and evidence given on DMP applications, check for validity and vote on approving or denying a milestone for a division.

AAP Staff Members

Every Staff member of The AAP has the same responsibility: to fact check each award and participate in every nomination. Depending on the nature of the award, they will check forums accounts, Xbox profiles, call for witness statements. Each staff member gives a final vote on every nomination.

The Focus And Future Of AAP

The AAP Staff’s current focus is to educate as many members as possible. They strive to enlighten members on the benefits of nominating their peers. The AAP Staff is hard at work developing new awards and milestones with the goal of increasing recognition possibilities within the community. The experience they are bringing is truly rewarding. If you have any suggestions for new awards, place your comments here and the staff will address your ideas.

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