Wed. Jan 15th, 2025

So You Think You Can Write: “Goals and Dreams” 1st Place

KSI Dragons 7 shares his goals and dreams, as well as his expectations of himself as a member and a friend.

So You Think You Can Write Introduction

During the News Team’s first So You Think You Can Write competition, a surprise member comes out to write about his life.

KSI Dragons 7, the first place winner, explains to KSI his Goals and Dreams, as well as his own expectations of himself as a member and a friend.

Goals and Dreams – Tell Us About Yourself

Failing your goal? I bet not. I bet its only changed.

Occasionally, that goal changesA?because you have achieved it to the level you set. Other times, because you have realized it may not be possible. Life throws us curve balls and sometimes we just cant get that home run we want.

Since joining KSI,A?IA?have started college and dropped out.A?Having gone months just sitting in bed battling with depression, I thenA?met my wife -A?the love of life. I have been given 2 amazing kids.A?I have worked several jobs trying to put something on the table, some of them more physically demanding then I thoughtA?I could do.

However, throughout everything I have been through,A?I have been able to come backA?to KSIA?andA?know thatA?nothing hasA?really changed here. There will always be someone here that canA?help you forget your problems orA?shareA?your joys.

One of the most important goals to me would haveA?to be the best dadA?I can be. I want to make sure my kids do not go through what I did growing up. I want every moment to be something to smile upon when we look back.

Another goal I have is for my career. Back when I was in high school, IA?had the dream to be a video game designer. I started classes for 3-D modeling and Adobe my senior year. When I was deciding on a college, I was accepted to UAT(University of Advancing Technology).

Here comes the curveball; my family decided we could not afford the tuition. I couldn’t get the grants or scholarships needed.A?Unfortunately, IA?settled for something closer to home and went to TSTC.

While there,A?quite a fewA?of problems came up and the depression started.A?This caused me toA?start partying and drinking very heavily and ended up not going to classes. I slowly started being anti-socialA?until IA?eventually left and never went back.

I would say my goal now is to make it back to school and pursue a more generic graphics degree and start my own print business. It’s not what my original goal was, but it needed to change.

Now my goal here, in KSI, is still the same. MyA?KSI goals are -A?to be the leader that has fun with everyone; that people will come to not just forA?KSI related issues, but personal ones;A?to be the person people will not hesitate to invite or message; to be the person to turn to for forums signatures as it relates to me career goals.

In conclusion, you could say another word for goals are wants, and like appetites, your wants change.


During this So You Think You Can WriteA?competition, KSI Dragons 7 took first place, winning $15 and the Write Right award on the forums.

KSI HHooters 7 and KSIDarkxAngel 7 took the second and third place trophies, each winning $10 and the Write Right award.

The next competition, which is already posted on the forums, is a poetry competition. Submit poems or raps about KSI for a chance at a new award as well as a cash prize.

Follow this link to do so:

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