Toxic Gamer Culture – Your Experiences
Every gamer has experienced the dark side of gaming, and some in KSI are speaking up about their experiences.
The last blogpost I looked in specific how female gamers were treated and often succumbed to abuse and inappropriate sexual remarks in online matchmaking. This article will look at toxic gamer culture on a wider spectrum and player interactions in general with a look at some of your thoughts and experiences that you have shared.
We all have had ourA?fair share of insults, aggressive behaviour and bad experiences in general in online game spaces. Trash talking is something that is very common in competitive play and is often not considered as a bad thing but when examining those incidents when players personally attack players based on their sex, accent, race, performance or even gamer tag is what constitutes and feeds toxic gamer culture.
KSI as a gaming community has a code of conduct established which illustrates the zero tolerance in the discrimination; racism or harassment, by or towards, any member of KSI in any situation which is contributes to the sense of family and community established.
When examining this type of behaviour in online spaces with strangers Anderson et al explains how there are two influential factors on aggression in this process – situational and personal inputs. Situational inputs (or cues) are features of the present situation that increase user aggressive states such as presence of a weapon, an insult, or an uncomfortable environment.
Personal inputs include whatever the person brings to the current situation such as aggressive personality, attitudes, and beliefs. Situational inputs, thus, include all kinds of stimulating violence cues in media content that can affect user aggression by influencing user arousal or cognition; personal inputs can include aggressive personality, tendencies, or prior experience.
KSI Paratroop 7 reveals these encounters are common when examining games such as Call of Duty as it is a highly popular and extremely competitive game in the market.
A major point he emphasized on was how trash talk is a given in competitive play but one reason we should take into consideration is how a sense of lost identity enables players being behind a head set to feel a sense of security as a lack of face to face interactions determines no immediate consequences. He went on to explain how fast young children are growing and adapting to learning things fast hence you find squeakers and young kids playing COD feeding to the competitive environment.
KSI Luci Lux 7 revealed how his fairly large list of experiences mainly consisted of players who saw the KSI Tag and purely based on the gamer tag sometimes targeted negative behaviour. Another aspect of negative behaviour constituted when sniping and a constant need to point out that it was camping when sniping requires a player to be stationary and camp.
KSI Purge tells us the best way to deal with these trolls are to either mute them or simply take it in humour. A?Fighting them will only feed them and add more fuel to the fire as they will see they are causing a reaction and that is what they want.
All players at some point face bad players but when looking at KSI we can establish a sense of family and a loving community that does not discriminate, harass or tolerate such behaviour.
I believe this is one of the reasons why KSI continues to thrive as we have a strong sense of whats right/wrong and gives a sense of belonging toA?players which leads on toA?good game experiences with other members who share the same values and beliefs of fair and good gameplay.
We would love to hear any of your experiences and how you dealt with any situations in online game spaces!