Wed. Jan 15th, 2025

Turkey Bowl 2021: Day 2 Recap

Day 2 of Turkey Bowl is in the books! Check out coverage of all events, to include: Rocket League and Prominence Poker!

Day 2 of Turkey Bowl has come and gone, and left us with some mixed emotions. Up on the list of games to play tonight was Rocket League 3v3 and Prominence Poker Tournament style. It was a pretty exciting night, to say the very least. If you missed any of the action, check out our KSI Twitch!

Rocket League: 3v3

Rocket League started up our Day 2 Turkey Bowl Events. It was a single elimination, best of 3 matches game. There were 3 teams ready to roll. And boy did they show out!

Rocket League takes RIDICULOUS skill and precision. A person can’t just button mash or shoot a toe and take another out. You have to know how to tag this ball, in MIDAIR, with the right angle and amount of boost to make it go where you want it to go. Tonight’s matches showed off just how much skill in the aerial acts of backflips there really is!

The Podium:

First Place

  • KSI CanMan (SL)
  • Quackiesss (SL)
  • Apexxis#6687 (SL)

Second Place

  • G04z (WD)
  • Whitedeth666 (WD)
  • VonnersWrath (WD)

Third Place

  • KSI Hatter77 (WD)
  • KSI Sanji (WD)
  • Cryro davo (WD)

Prominence Poker


  • KSI Infid3l


  • KSIxGrizzly23

News Team:

  • KSI Hatter77

Prominence Poker was the name of the closer game for Friday night’s events. There were 2 tables running a Tournament Style game, with a 1000 chip buy in. When each table was down to 3 players, the tables would merge into the final table of the night.

Friday night’s Poker run saw many unexplainable things happen. Table winners who we were for sure going to see knocked out. Players who, no matter how little chips they had, got so lucky with hands they stayed in for several more rounds. A few 4-of-a-kind winning hands were even thrown during the first 2 table runs.

Table One

  • KSIxGrizzly23 (WD)
  • KSI Tripped (WD)
  • KSI Mommabear (ES)
  • KSI 80s SOLDIER (WD)

Table Two

  • KSI Hatter77 (WD)
  • KSI Barb 7 (ES)
  • KSI Bacchus (WD)
  • KSIJester (WD)
  • KSI Sanji (WD)
  • G04z (WD)

Both tables started playing at 7pm EST on Friday night. Before the clock struck 8pm, table one had their top 3 players, and patiently awaited table two’s final members. After an hour and a half passed from the game starting, table two FINALLY had their top 3 who were moving on to the finals. After a short break to move around a little, the Final Table was set.

The Final Showdown

The Finals table was set to go. All of the players were ready to roll and show off their Poker playing abilities. Some of these members had played with each other before, while some had not, so questions of skill got in their heads. Slowly but surely the table lost it’s players, and not in the order many would think.

About 20 minutes into the game, KSI Mommabear was the first player to be cleaned out, but she put up on heck of a defense. Shortly after that, KSI Tripped and KSI Barb 7 were knocked out of contention. This left KSI Bacchus, KSI Hatter77, and KSIxGrizzly23 as the final 3 players on the table.

With a lot of goading and smack talk, KSIxGrizzly23 went all in and was taken out by KSI Bacchus. That left KSI Bacchus and KSI Hatter77 to duke it out. Since all players had been playing for almost 3 hours, an agreement was made between the final two. It would be an all in, no looking at cards match to determine the winner. After two hands were played, KSI Bacchus came out victorious as the reining Prominence Poker Champion!

The Podium:

  • First Place: KSI Bacchus (WD)
  • Second Place: KSI Hatter77 (WD)
  • Third Place: KSIxGrizzly23 (WD)

Honorable Mentions:

  • KSI Barb 7 (ES)
  • KSIJester (WD)
  • KSI Sanji (WD)
  • G04z (WD)
  • KSI Tripped (WD)
  • KSI Mommabear (ES)
  • KSI 80s SOLDIER (WD)

Forums Challenge Poll

As with every Annual Event, the Forums Poll is a hot topic. This Event shows no different. Many members have come out to show their Division love, even with it being a busy holiday. As of midnight, Chaos Syndicate leads this race with 59 voters. It’s still anyone’s show though, and the Forums Poll runs until 8pm EST on Sunday November 28th, so make sure you go and vote!

Day Three Showdown

If you’ve missed any of the excitement of Turkey Bowl, you can always watch the streams of events on KSI’s Twitch. Our Day three line up has a showdown of Rainbow 6 Siege 3v3 Hostage slated for 5pm EST, and Splitgate 4v4 Shotty Snipes at 8pm EST. Stay tuned for all of your recap updates, given by KSI’s News Team. And a big shout out to all of the members of KSI who have participated in all of our Turkey Bowl events. Without you guys, this would not be possible.

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