Sun. Mar 16th, 2025

Twitter Blitz: June 2019

Install the app. Load up your Twitter profile. Get ready to earn your division points. Father’s Day kicks off June’s Twitter Blitz!

Happy Father’s Day!

KSIa??s third Twitter Blitz has started TODAY! It will run Father’s Day through Tuesday June 18th – the day before Spirit Week 2019.

Here are the details:

  • During these three days right before Spirit Week, members can participate in the Twitter Blitz to earn Div Cup points for their division!
  • Add theA?KSI Twitter handle -A?@KSIGlobalGamingA?- and reply to the Twitter Blitz (the pinned Tweet on KSI’s Twitter page).A?
  • Members will only have these three days to participate. Don’t procrastinate!

Message KSI December 77 with any questions or for more information!

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