Two weeks until KSI Spirit Week. Get excited.
Ita??s about to go down. Just two weeks left.
Wea??re only two weeks away from KSIa??s 3rd Annual Spirit Week. While many have you have been around and understand the wonderful nature of this unique event, many of you werena??t around this time last year.
Spirit Week is one of KSIa??s biggest and most-organized events. Its night after night of fun, fellowship and gaming. It offers each and every one of you a chance to show your support of whatever division youa??re in.
It gives you the chance to meet people from across the community you might not otherwise cross paths with. This community is 5,000+ members strong. You are just one person. Your squad is anywhere between 20 and 100 members. Your division is between 190 and 600 members strong. Those niches are just a small percentage of the extraordinary individuals we have in this community.
It is the responsibility of each and every one of you to take part in the summer fun. This week, therea??s a wonderful schedule coordinated by the Board of Directors.
It all starts on Wednesday, July 16 with the Pep Rally. This event is always a great way to kick off the festivities. Ita??s pivotal to take part as it gives you rules and other information about what Spirit Week has to offer. The event will be streamed live on Twitch. This is the first time many of you will have an ability to stretch your scope beyond your own corner of KSI.
Ita??s time for a little friendly fun. Ita??s time for a little relaxing. You have all played such a huge role in making KSI amazing. We have an Xbox One squad for the first time ever. We have a recent division split off Eternal Souls. These two divisions, Elite Forces and Legendary Warriors, will enjoy their coming out party.
Ita??s time to see which divisions are functioning well and which ones arena??t. Ita??s time to see which divisions have adhered to KSI principles and enjoy their time here and which ones are missing the mark and leaving their members with enjoyment to be desired.
Size doesna??t matter. Demonic Mayhem always provides stiff competition during this week. Ita??s hard to think of a division that better personifies the KSI way than DM. Ground Zero is another division that has finished in the top-2 both of the first two years. GZ is the reigning champion of Spirit Week.
But a full year has passed. People have moved up, moved down, moved in, moved out. New situations exist and new people have a chance to make their mark in KSI.
Never underestimate the power of Spirit Week.
It might seem hectic at times. You might feel pressured. You might get stressed. But from July 16-20, ita??s time to turn your focus to showing the rest of KSI how good your squad and division is. It will be friendly competition to see who understands what KSI is about, and who does the best at enjoying your time here.
Spirit Week can be the start of amazing things for your division. Spirit Week can be the turning point. You all control the direction your divisions go, and if youa??re looking for a place to start or continue the improvement, mark your calendars. Ita??s about to go down. Just two weeks left.
If you want more information on KSI Spirit Week, follow this link.
By: ImPeRiiuM