Watch: KSI Spirit Week Xbox 360 Night
Get nformation on tonight’s stream and how to follow the brackets for the tournaments for Day 3 of Spirit Week.
The first two days of KSI Spirit Week 2016 have been a whirlwind of excitement and frustrating technical issues. We hope to have more of the first and less of the second as we enter Day 3, the Xbox 360 portion of competition.
The stream will begin at 7:30 a.m. EST. Meanwhile, parties will be readied to support both of the games. Those tournament times will be staggered by 30 minutes.
All teams should be submitted on the KSI Forums by 7 p.m. EST. All teams should be online and ready for game invites by the lobby hosts no later than 7:30 p.m.
For viewers, prizes may be given out randomly throughout the night on the stream and on social media, so please be aware and active on both.
For information, follow us on Twitter @KSIGlobalGaming or on Facebook @KSIGlobalOfficial.
Day 1 Opening Ceremony Recap: Click here.
Day 2 Karaoke and Rocket League Recap: Click here.
We also will embed the bracket for Halo: Reach below. The bracket will not go live until after 7 p.m. when the sign-ups close. When the bracket goes live, it is final. There can be no additions.
Halo: Reach:
[challonge url=”KSI_SpiritWeek_HaloReachTourney”]