Thu. Mar 13th, 2025

We Are Demonic Mayhem

Want a peak behind the curtain? Take a look at the growing beast that is Demonic Mayhem.

Cool name right? “Demonic Mayhem” reminds me of Charles Manson’s take on what he called “Helter Skelter.” A kind of structured anarchy with ill intent. Admittedly tangential, however, I say it to make note of the stark contrast between the name of the Division and the way it is run.

DM has some of the most dedicated and influential leadership that I’ve ever seen inside or outside of KSI. As a result of their hard work and fostering nature., DM runs like a precision Swiss timepiece. The division’s leadership is kind, thorough, expedient, humble and perhaps most importantly, approachable.

So I thought to myself, “Whiskey ol’ boy, let’s ask these leaders of ours how they do it. Let’s find out why DM is the standard of excellence.”


KSI Gruntier 7 – Director

Being a Director is no easy job. There is a lot of responsibility in overseeing multiple Divisions.

I’m a fan of the Fallout series, so when I think of a Director, I tend to relate the responsibility to that of a Vault-Tec overseer with the exception that Directors are responsible for 2-4 vaults (Divisions). This basically means that Grunt has a full time job here in KSI working with leadership all across this great family of ours.

That said, I cannot think of a time I’ve personally messaged him and not gotten a timely response and a well thought out reply. Grunt says he loves how he gets to meet many new people as a Director and that his favorite thing about KSI is the family atmosphere. I think we all can relate to that! His advice to new leadership, is honest and to the point, namely, “do it for the right reasons”.

Don’t become an officer for the rank or respect people believe that rank naturally gives you. You will burn yourself out quickly. Step up and become an officer because you want to help others and you will earn respect from your fellow members by showing them respect and having fun with the responsibility you’re given.

I believe we can all learn from that advice. Thank you KSI Gruntier 7 for your time and commitment in making KSI the best place it can be for all of us!


KSIxROMEO 7 – Division Leader

In celebration of the onset football season, I’m going to start this paragraph off like Chris Collinsworth. “Here’s a guy that knows how to get the job done!” That’s the truth 100%! Romeo doesn’t beat around the bush. He is a man that will shoot you straight and always has great insight into any given situation. Why? Because he misses nothing! He’s active in every squad he oversees and is currently acting Gen of two squads as well.

Romeo works a lot of hours outside of KSI, but believe me, that doesn’t affect his approach-ability one little bit. I’ve personally had many a conversation with him while he’s working.

When I asked Romeo to describe his leadership style he replied,

I’m not a leader, I’m the supporting character of the story. I’m just here to help as much as I can for as long as I can.

Humility, a great attribute for a leader. Romeo also went on to say that his favorite thing about being a Div Lead is the ability to work with all the squads personally and help with any situation that may arise. It certainly shows!

His advice for up and coming officers and Gens was,

Take the bad days with a grain of salt. Whether you’re aggravated, stressed, annoyed, or just feel like everything is crashing down. Sometimes it takes a storm to realize the beauty of it all.

Sage words for sure. You can tell that Romeo is a leader who cares about people. It shows in his words and his works. One thing I know for sure, DM is lucky to have him.


KSI MeShell 7 – Co-Founder

Shell is like the air we breathe – she is everywhere! I mean, it doesn’t matter what Div you’re from, chances are you know or know of KSI MeShell 7. If you don’t you should! She is perhaps the purest source of KSI hype, participating in every event, all platforms of social media and the Head of the Productions Department. Despite all that and a full time job, she is still hugely engaged with the community on Xbox as well as constantly in parties enjoying time with this family we call KSI.

In an effort to learn more, I asked her about her leadership style and what her favorite thing about being a Co-Founder is. MeShell replied to my question like this,

I guess you could say I have a more democratic leadership style. I don’t want to make decisions on my own and like having input from officers, members, other leaders, etc. This is a gaming community and we should all be working together for the betterment of KSI. My favorite thing as a Co-Founder is getting to know members throughout the entire Div. As a member of a specific squad, you tend to focus your attention toward your own squad. As a Co-Founder, I try to manage my time and accept all gamenight invites to hang out with and get to know members of different squads.

I think approach-ability is one of the best qualities a leader can have and KSI MeShell 7 has this in spades! I also asked MeShell if she had any advice for upcoming leadership as well. This was her response,

Don’t burn yourself out. From my experience in KSI, I’ve noticed that newer officers tend to work until they can’t work anymore. I’ve witnessed so many officers start off very strong, bringing in several recruits a week and hopping on any promotion they can. They end up burning themselves out after a month or two. Your life should not revolve around KSI. Delegate work between the officer staff. The officer staff is supposed to be a team, not an individual doing 99.9% of the work. There is no I in team! There are so many ways to get involved in the community and meet people outside of your division. KSI has nine Departments, consistent tournaments and plenty of community events to partake in.


KSI Dragons 7 – Co-Founder

What he lacks in internet capabilities he makes up for in friendliness and approach-ability. Dragons is the kidna fella who will hop in any open party to hang out with members. Always a good laugh when he comes around, that’s for sure!

Dragons has a more laid back style of leadership –

I try to be someone people can come to for anything. This is something I strongly believe in – because we are all here to have fun, no matter what rank or position, I mean why should I have to be a hard ass about everything?

Well said! I also hit Dragons with the question about what his favorite part about being a Co-Founder is.

My favorite thing about being a Co-Founder would definitely be the various 7s events and the annual events. Jk, jk. I would have to say watching a squad grow and begin to flourish under the guidance I have helped establish within it. Seeing something continuing to grow from the seeds I helped plant really makes me feel good as a person and leader.

As it should muh man, you’re an excellent asset to this Divison! As you’ve likely noticed by now, I asked all of DM’s leadership the same questions. Here is Dragons’ awesome advice for up and coming leadership,

The most important advice I would like to give to everyone is – ALWAYS HAVE FUN! No matter the situation. You need to continue to find those fun and quirky moments that really bring home that feeling of doing something good.


Thank You!

Thank you to each of you for taking the time to teach us all a bit about how to be a great leader and maintain such a high standard in leadership in KSI! Sage advice, sound morals and good morale throughout. THAT is DM at its core. Familial and nurturing, our leaders guide our squads in much the way a loving mother or father figure would. These leaders never approach a situation rank first, but rather with a patient ear and a dedication to problem solving in a non-confrontational way that commands respect and reverence.

Thank you to each of you for providing and maintaining Knowledge, Strength and Integrity everyday here in Demonic Mayhem.

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