Weekend Warfare: Rainbow Six Siege
Check out how EO dominated our most recent Rainbow Six Siege Weekend Warfare!
Weekend Warfare – Rainbow Six Siege
This past weekend’s Weekend Warfare was played onA?Rainbow Six Siege. It was a 3v3 TDM Bomb tournament hosted by KSI Igan o7 and KSI AllStarRM17. Huge shout-out to these T&E staff who worked hard to make this event a success!
KSI RestInPeace7 from Productions was responsible for streaming the event. Click here for hisA?Final Event Highlights!
The T&E staff remind you to always follow the KSI code of conduct when participating in these events. Failing to do so could result in disqualification.
The Winners Circle
KSI xxSCOUTxxVI, KSI SUP3R, and KSI BeastmodeVI from Divine Warriors were tied for third place with SentinelCowboy1, DrAwesome2358 and Midgetohler69 from Forced Induction. KSI Skarzx 77, KSI 6IX and KSI Soup00 from Explosive Outlaws played really well to get second place. KSIxVision, BlackFrost190 and KSIEnoughFlunky from Explosive Outlaws came out on top winning it all at first place. All members earned extra participation points for their divisions. Everyone played well in this bragging rights tournament. Great job guys!
First Place – Explosive Outlaws
Second Place – Explosive Outlaws
KSI Skarzx 77
KSI Soup00
Third Place – Forced Induction & Divine Warriors
SentinelCowboy1 (FI)
DrAwesome2358 (FI)
Midgetohler69 (FI)
KSI BeastmodeVI (DW)
In Conclusion
We had 47 members participate in Weekend Warfare this past weekend. THANK YOU to everybody who came out this week and represented their division!
We hope to see all of you next week for Destiny 2!
Register here: Destiny 2 Weekend Warfare Signup
– Article by KSI SUP3R