Weekend Warfare Recap Oct. 2019
See who won the October Weekend Warfare Events for October!
October 2019 was packed with exciting Weekend Warfare events.
2v2 Uno

On October 5th, T&E hosted a 2v2 Uno match. Nothing is more intense than the feeling after you yell out Uno!
First Place
Demonic Mayhem
- KSI TyraTreXxuS
- KSI FireHeart 7
Second Place
Wicked Destruction
- KSI JamCam
- KSI Brownie7985
Third Place
Demonic Mayhem
- KSI Zordon
- EliteSmile63
Black Ops 4 FFA

On October 12, T&E hosted a Black Ops 4 FFA. This action-packed event saw people eliminated one by one until only the top three remained.
First Place
- KSI AtomXGen- Wicked Destruction
Second Place
- KSI Shadow007- Dark Legion
Third Place
- KSI Cable- Wicked Destruction
Brawlhalla FFA

On October 19, T&E hosted a Brawlhalla FFA. Fast-paced and nonstop action continued as the contestants battled their way to the top.
First Place
- KSI Jaeger- Eternal Souls
Second Place
We have a tie!
- KSI Brownie7985- Wicked Destruction
- Infinityhunt- Demonic Mayhem
Rainbow Six Siege 4v4 Secure

On October 26th, T&E hosted a Rainbow Six Siege 4v4 Secure Area. Competitors battled hard, but only one team could secure the victory.
First Place
Wicked Destruction
- ComicInk69
- Ghost of Time44
Second Place
Demonic Mayhem
- infinity hunt
- Feedtrevorator
Third Place
Eternal Souls
- ZealousEquality
- KSI Jaeger
- KSI felco6416
- KSI Frybread
Thank you to all who participated! It was a great month of events full of excitement.