Weekend Warfare – Sat. Nov 15
T&E is hosting two Advanced Warfare tournaments and a Karaoke event for Weekend Warfare this Saturday!
Tournaments and Events will be hosting another wide range of events this weekend.
There will be two different Call of Duty events to celebrate to arrival of Advanced Warfare.
Those events will be Free-For-Alls; one will be on Xbox One and the other on Xbox 360.
Both events begin at 7 p.m. EST.
If you want to sign up for the AW FFA on the 360, go here: http://www.ksiweekendwarfare.org/tournaments.php?tourney[id]=64
If you want to sign up for the AW FFA on the One, go here: http://www.ksiweekendwarfare.org/tournaments.php?tourney[id]=65
If you don’t have the new Call of Duty, or if it’s just not your thing, there is also a Karaoke tournament on 360.
That event begins at 8 p.m. EST.
If you want to sign up for the Karaoke tournament, go here: http://www.ksiweekendwarfare.org/tournaments.php?tourney[id]=66
So please spread the word about Weekend Warfare and help make this another memorable weekend.