What makes the KSI pep rally so fun
Why is the KSI pep rally so fun?
What does make the spirit week pep rally so much fun?
In my own opinion, IA?think what makes the pep rally so much fun is that it reminds me and a lot of others on how our high schoola??s pep rally was and how fun it was.
T the reason we have the pep rally is to get all the squads and division pumped up and ready for the events that will be happening that week.
Spirit week is one of the main events that a lot of us look forward to all year long and it takes a lot of work to get ready for this event.
Senior Director KSI Cheddarbob 7 has his own thoughts about the pep rally.
a??The pep rally is kind of like the same as a high school pep rally before a high school football game when they do their pep rally,a?? CheddarBob said. a??Ita??s supposed to be an event beforehand that gets these divisions fired up to compete for some really nice prizes for the division.a??
Honestly the spirit week pep rally is supposed to be fun and it’s supposed to get members fired up and ready to compete for some really cool prizes.
I remember my first pep rally in KSI. It was so much fun I kind of felt like I was at a concert, but for KSI.
If you have never been to a KSI pep rally for spirit week, then you are missing out and you really need to attend this yeara??s pep rally that will be happening on June 24.
I really cana??t explain anymore on how much fun and how important the pep rally really is.
You will have to witness for yourself on how fun it is.
So come check it out on on http://www.twitch.tv/ksilive.