How will Xbox’s changes affect KSI?
Xbox.com no longer allows you to edit your profile. What does this mean for KSI?
Edit: There is a way to edit your profile on Xbox.com. However, you need the link to do it. The link is: Live.xbox.com/en-US/MyXbox/GamerProfile
Without the link, you can’t get to it. Thank you to KSI Perplexity for the information.A?
On Thursday, KSI Wes 7 posted a topic on the forums about changes to Xbox.com.
In his thread, which can be found here, Wes notes that users can no longer change their motto and bio on the website. Other KSI members noted that the ability to change the motto and bio on both their Xbox consoles and Xbox Smartglass.
When I sign in to Xbox.com, the default page looks the same as it always has. However, I used to be able to click “Edit Profile” underneath my avatar. I didn’t see the option, so I clicked “Profile” on the Social Toolbar.

After selecting the “Profile” option, below is the current layout Xbox.com has implemented.
To those who do not have an Xbox One, the image below is very similar to the layout of profiles on the new system. Critics of the Xbox One’s online system often refer to this streamlined appearance. While it looks sleek and modern, its usability and user-friendliness is severely lacking.

On the screen, I can edit my gamertag, change my avatar and even adjust my privacy settings. But if I want to change my motto, bio or other aspect of my profile, Xbox.com is no longer a viable option to choose.
A few days before Wes posted up his thread, I had attempted to edit my bio using Xbox.com and noticed the same issue. I thought for sure I was going insane and just forget how to find the “Edit Profile” button. But, alas, the site had simply removed the option.
I own both consoles, and as you can see (if you know my profile), Xbox.com has chosen my Xbox One profile picture (the stock image of the majestic roaring tigers) instead of my Xbox 360 profile picture (the cute little alien from Alien Hominid).
So with that in mind, Xbox.com is asserting the dominance of their newest console and focusing all efforts around it while slowly trying to move away from the 360.
With Xbox One’s updated look and feel, it’s relevant to wonder what these changes may mean for gaming communities such as KSI down the line. We rely on mottos and bios for divisional, squad and rank identification. But as Xbox slowly moves away from the 360 and to the One, it looks increasingly as if the motto and bio features we have grown so attached for our organization will fade to the wayside.
As it currently stands, the profiles we enjoy on the 360 don’t exist on the One. The options it gives you on Xbox.com are the same ones available on the new console.
It’s entirely too early to worry about this, but it does make you stop and think. How will KSI adapt if these profile options can’t be used in the future? How will divisions and squads separate themselves from one another? This is obviously conjecture at the present moment, but I know KSI has dealt with change in the past and there’s no reason to think that we’ll be behind the curve on this possible change now.
This entire issue could be resolved by Xbox before we ever have to worry about it with an update to include profiles on Xbox One. When, if ever, this update will come is the million dollar question.
If you have any more information or questions, feel free to let us know. As a gaming community, KSI should be a safe place to discuss any thoughts, ideas or concerns about the ever-changing gaming industry.